Skeptics argue that canning kill all vitamins and most minerals and food becomes "dead", but in reality everything is not so deplorable, and the loss of vitamin and mineral substances during canning is comparable to many other types of food processing - baking, boiling, frying ... In some cases, canned food, due to concentration, may even have a higher level of benefit. For example, the well-known tomato paste contains a special substance - lycopene, which is 30 times more in this concentrate than in the tomatoes themselves. Compotes and preserves, jam will be rich in pectins, which are much less in fresh fruits.
And canned fish help to absorb calcium: after processing the carcasses of fish during canning, the bones of their skeleton become soft and edible, and they contain a lot of phosphorus and calcium. Canned vegetables and fruit are useful, they do not lose many vitamins with careful and quick processing, and they are more useful because canned food is often prepared in the same place where the raw material grows, without transportation. Therefore, the fruits are not chemically processed, they do not lose their beneficial properties. When it comes to fish, it is not frozen before making canned food, and it is not treated with antibiotics and other chemicals.
But if consumers admit that there is some benefit left in ball canned recipes, then they give a logical counterargument: everything is spoiled by preservatives added to preserve food. This is one solid chemistry! But they often forget the course of school chemistry and biology. During conservation, products retain their properties for a long time because they are sterilized, and not because preservatives are added to them. Meat or fish is placed in jars, which are sealed and then autoclaved, making their contents sterile. This is achieved due to the action of high temperatures, which kill all known bacteria in the contents. Pickled vegetables, pickles, peas and corn in cans, tomato paste are also stored for a long time due to the sterilization process. And no chemistry is needed in this case. But after all, additives are indicated on the label of herring, sprat or condensed milk, canned vegetables? But this is not canned food, but the so-called preserves, they are also packed in airtight containers, but they were not sterilized. To increase shelf life, preservatives have been added to them. But they are far from chemical - they are honey or sugar, salt, vinegar or citric acid, pectin. These are natural preservatives.
Anyway, homemade tomatoes in a can are better than store tomatoes! Since the Soviet era, the majority of consumers, at the level of reflexes, do not trust food that is prepared industrially. Experiences are connected with what exactly the manufacturers put in their banks and how high-quality products are.
Therefore, your own canned food, such as vegetables, mushrooms or homemade stew, is considered much more healthy and tasty. But in reality, everything is not entirely true, and the slightest non-compliance with the rules of conservation threatens with serious problems, especially botulism. The plant has powerful equipment, there is a laboratory for quality control. And industrial canned food is carefully checked, but home seaming can easily be poisoned.
So many fans of healthy lifestyles believe and undeservedly avoid the use of canned foods in the diet, believing that the content of sugar, oil, salt or other ingredients in them is harmful to health and shape. But canned food per 100 g of product does not always contain an excess of these substances, and even in small quantities canned food can even be beneficial. It's just important to stick to the principles of rationality. If you are preparing dishes with stew, you can not add more salt. In addition, there are even diets that are based on the consumption of canned fish or seafood, and in specialized stores there are even canned food for people involved in professional sports. Of course, you should not use canned oil and those that have various sauces, No less widespread are the myths about carcinogens, which are allegedly flooded with canned food. But for a long time chemists-technologists have denied such ridiculous statements: metal cans are not dangerous and do not create any harmful compounds in products. Lids and jars are chemically inert; they do not react with food or oxidize it. But it is important to buy only suitable canned food, with undamaged and undamaged packaging.
This is the most common and persistently circulating myth. Allegedly, stew is made from meat that is spoiled, and stale fish is rolled into jars, while masking it not of the highest quality with dressings with spices and oil. Usually, such rumors arise from the purchase of spoiled cans of canned food that have been improperly stored or prepared. Today, in an age of tough competition in the market, manufacturers are fighting for consumers, for sales, so they buy raw materials of excellent quality so that their products can be purchased again and again. During processing, spoiled products will simply fall apart, turn into slurry and gruel, so only high-quality raw materials can be preserved. Plus, in order to receive certificates for products, you need to go through strict control at all stages of production, otherwise the product will simply not be allowed to enter the market. Naturally, there are unscrupulous producers, but competition leads to the fact that bad food products are rejected.