You will find these Current Affair teachings within the Current Affairs branch, Current Affairs 2022.
The Economies of Two Kingdoms - Current Affairs #150-154
The Promise of a Remnant - Current Affairs #155-159
His Judgment Has Come - Current Affairs #160-164
As we resume our messages on the book of Revelation, we want to develop further the economies of two kingdoms. Sometimes, things that are true are so obviously in front of us that we do not see them. What is the mark of the beast about, really? It is about economies that are designed for control. It is significant that we put this principle back into the Scriptures, because if we do not we will do what we traditionally have done; we will interpret things willy-nilly. The alternative to interpreting the Scriptures from within the context of Scripture is to simply make it up as we go along. The strength of that is its logical appeal to the mindsets of people in any given age.
If we are pulling things out of thin air, the basic proof that we rely on to sell these ideas to the general population is that it’s logical; it makes sense to a population at a particular moment in history, and people agree. But nothing is advanced by the agreement of people when it comes to understanding Scripture. When it comes to understanding Scripture, it is revelation from the mind of God, via the Holy Spirit, to the spirit of mankind.