These new Current Affair Teachings may be found within the Current Affairs branch, Current Affairs 2023.
The Descriptions of the Dwelling - #215-219
State of Rest - #220-224
Our last teachings on the Book of Revelation, just to summarize, had to do with a close look at the
way the city is described, the New Jerusalem, and it is variously described as a city, a woman; and as we go forward in chapter 21 of the Book of Revelation, we are about to see that it is
described also as the dwelling place of the Lamb, the dwelling place of the Almighty. And there
are descriptions of this city that are more like a person than they are about buildings. This is not at
all a surprise, because all along from the beginning of Scripture—from early in the Book of
Genesis, and now all the way through in the Book of Revelation—we know that God is establishing
for Himself a dwelling place.