This series, The Armor of God, is available within the Strengthening the House branch.
We are now at that very serious time that the Scriptures speak of in terms of “the great falling
away.” (See 2 Thessalonians 2:3) We are watching the church, as we have known it, become “tossed by every wind of
doctrine.” (See Ephesians 4:14) Whether it is on political things, medical things, the coronavirus vaccines, it seems like
the church as we know it is thoroughly disconnected from reality. The great falling away
prophesied in Scripture has come.
I am wanting to begin a series of messages on the armor of God, and it will end, frankly, with a
call to come out of this religious system—to those who can hear it, to come out of it. It cannot
right itself; it is not going to. As we proceed to discuss what this warfare actually is and what our
responses ought to be by way of what the armor of God represents, you will understand that there
is no possibility of changing the religious system. And what it has produced is a shocking level of