Prior to the fall, God spoke to man face to face in the Garden. Since man is spirit, such communication was neither strange nor difficult for man.
In the spirit, man is of the same kind and nature as God, because the spirit of man came out of the person of God. His communication with God was not distracted by his preoccupation for his provision or his protection. There was harmony between God and man, and the resulting communication was flawless. However, since the fall, the clarity of God's communication with man has been distorted by the preeminence of the soul's mind. The culture of the orphan filters the sound of the voice of God.
God's purposes for humankind that He had ordained from the beginning will continue until all such purposes have been fully accomplished. When one becomes a new creation in Christ, the Holy Spirit begins to rearrange the order of the spirit, soul and body to the original intent of God...
To continue learning about how God speaks to us see Sam Soleyn with Nicholas Soleyn, My Father! My Father!, Chapter 9: How God Speaks.
Now, the Scriptures tell us, “Deep calls unto deep” (Psalm 42:7). What is “the deep” to which the Deep calls? The deep in you
is the recipient of the call of the One who is the Deep—so you are able to hear God. God established
you from the beginning, spirit-endowed being, so that He could call to you from the ages past, and He
could give you the wisdom of the ages by the Deep speaking to the deep. So the Deep is personified;
God is the Deep, and He was creating that to which He could call, as a Father would call a son.
This teaching may be found within Maturing Through Sonship, where you will find Knowing God, Session 2: Ways God Speaks.