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Nicky Omohundro is the founder of LittleFamilyAdventure.com, social media influencer, and mom of three active kids. At Little Family Adventure, she encourages families to eat healthy, be active, and explore together as much as possible. The site focuses on real food recipes, outdoor activities, and family travel. Nicky believes that there should be "NO Child Left Inside" because your next adventure is just around the corner.
Nicky Omohundro is the founder of LittleFamilyAdventure.com, social media influencer, and mom of three active kids. At Little Family Adventure, she encourages families to eat healthy, be active, and explore together as much as possible. The site focuses on real food recipes, outdoor activities, and family travel. Nicky believes that there should be "NO Child Left Inside" because your next adventure is just around the corner.