World Health Organization - Monaco
Health information and facts for the country of Monaco from the World Health Organization
The World Factbook: Monaco
The World Factbook for Monaco
Culture of Monaco: History, People, Clothing, Traditions - Every Culture
This small country is 0.8 square miles (1.95 square kilometers) in size, or approximately the same size as Central Park in New York City. It is the smallest state in the world after Vatican City.
Monaco Cuisine - Best Country
With Mediterranean as its coast line, Monaco spread out on the elevated hills is one of the most exciting spot of Europe.
Society of Monaco
The structure of society in Monaco is strongly influenced by its relationship with France, which has provided protection for the population during several periods in history. However, we must emphasise that the Principality is not French.
Traditions - Consulate General of Monaco
Religious and civil traditions have been upheld for centuries in the Principality. They are sometimes linked, rites and ceremonies being accompanied by popular festivities, but the former are more firmly anchored in the collective memory of Monégasques than the latter. They are an integral and exclusive part of the social, cultural and moral heritage.
Monaco: Culture and Traditions
The cultural climate of the Principality which had developed particularly rapidly in the seventeenth century with the encouragement of Prince Honoré III is one of the principal concerns of H.S.H. Prince Rainier III, following the example of Prince Pierre of Monaco who was the friend of the greatest writers, painters and composers of his time.
Monaco - Find the Data
Data and information about Monaco.
Demography of Monaco - Monaco Statistics
Demographics and statistics about Monaco.
Monaco Facts, Information, Pictures - Encyclopedia
Get information, facts, and pictures about Monaco. Make research projects and school reports about Monaco easy with credible articles from our FREE, online encyclopedia and dictionary.
Monaco Country Profile Overview - BBC News
Provides an overview of Monaco, including key events and facts about tiny kingdom on the Mediterranean Sea.
Monaco - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Monaco, officially the Principality of Monaco, is a sovereign city-state and microstate, located on the French Riviera in Western Europe. France borders the country on three sides while the other side borders the Mediterranean Sea.