Djibouti Country Profile Overview - BBC News
Provides an overview of Djibouti, including key events and facts.
Culture of Djibouti: History, People - Every Culture
Djibouti is in northeast Africa, on the Red Sea coast, bordered by Eritrea, Ethiopia, and Somalia. The country was created by France in the late nineteenth century during the colonial scramble for Africa.
The Languages Spoken in Djibouti
The country of Djibouti is culturally and ethnically diverse which is why there are several languages used in the country. Arabic and French are the official languages in the country.
Djibouti Population 2015 - Current Population of Djibouti
Live statistics for population of Djibouti. Current population (estimated population data for 2015) and historical data for over 50 past years. Live births and deaths today and since the beginning of the year, net migration and population growth.
Why are There so Many Military Bases in Djibouti? - BBC News
Why is the small horn of Africa country Djibouti so attractive to vying global military powers?
Djibouti History, Language and Culture - World Travel Guide
History, language and culture guide for Djibouti including key historical events, information on the spoken languages, useful phrases, social conventions, religion and cultural diversity.
The Lingua File: Independence Day: The Languages of Djibouti
The Lingua File celebrates Djibouti's independence from France by looking at some of the languages spoken in this African nation.
Djibouti Cities Map, Major Cities in Djibouti - Maps of World
Djibouti cities map showing Djibouti major cities, towns, capital city and country boundary. Here you can find the accurate location about the cities in Djibouti.
Djibouti GDP - Trading Economics
The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Djibouti was worth 1.58 billion US dollars in 2014. The GDP value of Djibouti represents less than 0.01 percent of the world economy.
Djibouti Economy: Population, GDP, Inflation, Business, Trade, FDI, Corruption
Learn more about the Djibouti economy, including the population of Djibouti, GDP, facts, trade, business, inflation and other data and analysis on its economy from the Index of Economic Freedom published by The Heritage Foundation.