Pirate Parties International
Pirate Parties International (PPI) is a not for profit international non governmental organisation with its headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. Formed in 2010 it serves as a worldwide organisation for Pirate Parties, currently representing members from 41 countries.
2016 Political Quiz - I Side With
Answer the following questions to see which political party you side on most issues with.
Democrat vs Republican - Difference and Comparison - Diffen
What is the difference between Democrats and Republicans? This nonpartisan comparison examines the differences between the policies and political positions of the Democratic and Republican parties on major issues such as taxes, the role of government, entitlements, gun control, immigration, healthcare and civil rights.
Republican Party Platform - GOP
Believe in America and stand behind the values that matter.
Democrats Need Volunteers
Democrats - Change that Matters.
List of Political Parties in the United States - Ballotpedia
Ballotpedia is a nonprofit, nonpartisan professionally curated encyclopedia designed to connect people to politics and elections at the local, state and federal level.
Political Party Platforms
The American Presidency Project contains the most comprehensive collection of resources pertaining to the study of the President of the United States. Compiled by John Woolley and Gerhard Peters.
U.S. Political Parties - Comparison and Facts
View a list of major American political parties and compare them by ideology, prominent members, recent history, and stances on important issues.
Politics1 - American Politics, Elections, Candidates & Campaigns
US Political and Election news from around the nation - by Ron Gunzburger, publisher of the award-winning Politics1 site.
List of Political Parties in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is a list of political parties in the United States, both past and present.
Political Party - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
An individual who either volunteers for, is employed by, or helps to establish and operate a political party is known as a party organizer, also known as the party activist or party worker.