Falsafa - Dictionary Definition of Falsafa
Definition of Falsafa - Our online dictionary has Falsafa information from The Concise Oxford Dictionary of World Religions dictionary. Encyclopedia.com: English, psychology and medical dictionaries.
Philosophy of Religion » The Kalam Cosmological Argument
An explanation of the kalam cosmological argument for the existence of God.
Kalam - Islam - Britannica
In Islam, speculative theology. The term is derived from the phrase kalam Allaah (Arabic: "word of God"), which refers to the Quran, the sacred scripture of Islam.
Transcript - The Cosmological Argument
Transcript: The Cosmological Argument - Reasonable Faith.
Islamic philosophy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Islamic philosophy is the systematic investigation of problems connected with life, the universe, ethics, society, and so on as conducted in the Muslim world.
Islamic Philosophy - Encyclopedia
Islamic philosophy is a branch of Islamic studies, and is a longstanding attempt to create harmony between philosophy (reason) and the religious teachings of Islam (faith). Islamic philosophy, as the name implies, refers to philosophical activity within the Islamic milieu.
Al-Falsafa (Islamic Philosophy)
Al-Falsafa al-Islamiyyah, or Islamic Philosophy, is a discipline that is concerned with the study.
The Study of Islamic Philosophy
The Study of Islamic Philosophy - The Study of Islamic Philosophy - Books on Islam and Muslims.
Islamic Philosophy
Islamic Philosophy - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Ilm al-Kalam (Islamic Theology)
Im al-Kalam, or Islamic Theology, is an important discipline in all Islamic centres of learning all over the Muslim world. It is arguably one of the oldest and most dynamic of intellectual pursuits of Muslim learning.