Robot Rockhopper Penguin Attacked by Jealous Female Rival
Disguised rover attacked by jealous female penguin during mating season.
Rockhopper Penguin - Bird - Britannica
Either of two species of crested penguins (genus Eudyptes, order Sphenisciformes) characterized by its red eyes, a relatively thin stripe of upright yellow feathers extending from the bill to the back of the head above each eye (the superciliary stripe), and a crest of black feathers that stands upright on the top of the head.
ADW: Rockhopper Penguin - Eudyptes chrysocome
Rockhopper penguins are found on islands in the southern ocean, such as the Falkland Islands. They occur farther north than many other penguin species.
Southern Rockhopper Penguin - Eudyptes chrysocome - ARKive
Learn more about the Southern rockhopper penguin - with amazing Southern rockhopper penguin videos, photos and facts on ARKive
Animal Corner - Rockhopper Penguin
The Southern Rockhopper Penguin or just Rockhopper Penguin, is a species of penguin closely related to the Macaroni Penguin. Rockhopper Penguins are a sub-Antarctic species breeding at cool, southern localities such as Macquarie Island, the Falklands, Campbell Island, Tristan da Cunha and the Antipodes.
Seaworld - Rockhopper Penguin
The smallest of the crested penguins, rockhoppers have a thin yellow crest that extends behind their red eyes. They also have black spiked feathers above their crest.
Rockhopper Penguin - Antarctic Connection
The Rockhopper penguins are small, aggressive, crested penguins (genus Eudyptes), so named because of the way they hop from boulder to boulder when moving around their rocky colonies.
Rockhopper Penguin - A-Z Animals
The rockhopper penguin is a group of penguins that are closely related and share the same love of jumping over rocks to get about, rather sliding around on their bellies in the normal penguin fashion.
Rockhopper Penguin: Penguin World
Breeding in sometimes-large colonies throughout the sub-Antarctic. Smaller than its congeners, but no less aggressive. There is some evidence that the Northern Rockhopper or Moseleys Penguin is deserving of separate species status.
Rockhopper Penguin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The rockhopper penguins are three closely related taxa of crested penguins that have been traditionally treated as a single species and are sometimes split into two or three species.
Rockhopper Penguins - National Geographic
Learn all you wanted to know about rockhopper penguins with pictures, videos, photos, facts, and news from National Geographic.