Bowhead Whale - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The bowhead whale is a species of the right whale family Balaenidae, in suborder Mysticeti and genus Balaena.
ADW: Bowhead - Balaena mysticetus
Balaena mysticetus is the second largest whale in the world, second only to the blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) . The name "bowhead" comes from their bow-shaped mouth.
Bowhead Whales, Balaena mysticetus - MarineBio
Find out what's known about Bowhead Whales, Balaena mysticetus, Mammalia, Cetacea, Balaenidae, including their world range and habitats, feeding behaviors, life history, ecology, reproduction, and conservation status.
Bowhead Whale - Balaena mysticetus - ARKive
Learn more about the Bowhead whale - with amazing Bowhead whale videos, photos and facts on ARKive
Bowhead Whale Migration and Social Structure - Whale Facts
Bowhead whales are very solitary animals often traveling alone or in small pods of up to six other whales.
Bowhead Whale Genes Offer Hints to Longer Life Spans
Researchers have charted the bowhead whale's genome in a search for genes that fight off aging.
How Bowhead's Became the World's Oldest Mammal
A giant bowhead whale caught off the coast of Alaska had a harpoon point embedded in its neck that showed it survived a similar hunt Â- more than a century ago.
Bowhead Whales Live Over 200 Years - ABC News
Modern harpoon points are made of steel but the ones found in the bowhead were made of ivory and stone, which haven't been used since the 1880's.
Bowhead Whale - American Cetacean Society
Bowhead whales are blue-black in color, except for a variable amount of white on the lower jaw.
Everything To Know About Bowhead Whales - WWF
The bowhead whale is a predominantly Arctic species. It has suffered from severe over-exploitation that has seen its range shrink considerably since the 17th Century.
Bowhead Whale - NOAA
Bowhead whale are mysticetes, which means they have "baleen" plates instead of teeth for filtering food out of the ocean.