How Good Of A Crossfitter Are You?
We did the baseline workout today. We are going to use this workout to help determine level CrossFitter you are. This will not be used to decide what level a WOD you do when you come to the gym
Crossfit 101 - Baseline From Hell
The Baseline workout is what we have brand new recruits try on their first day. It's usually a pretty big wake up call for most people. We use the Baseline (most CrossFit Gyms have their own version of one) as a quick test of an athlete's work capacity.
Test Your Strength: How Fit Are You Really? - Life by Daily Burn
Think you're in tip-top shape? Find out how fit you really are with these fitness tests - from the Marine Corps to the CrossFit pros.
The Fit 5: Beginning CrossFit - Men's Fitness
For all of our fans who shoot us questions on our Twitter and Facebook Page, this one is for you. Each week, we will tap into our pool of editors and experts to help with any questions or challenges you are having with your fitness regimen. This week, Will Lanier, CF-L1 Coach at CrossFitNYC answers questions about exploring CrossFit training.
Travel Beginner WODs - Reebok Crossfit One
Can't make it to the gym or travelling out of town? Now you have no excuse to miss your WOD. Here is a list of 75 bodyweight-focusedCrossFit WODs that you can do at home or on the road.
101 Training Days
This program is based on my personal experience as a beginner turned trainer. The approach to training is meant to rely on as little equipment as possible and be portable so that you can complete this training program indoors or out, at home or in a hotel, around a busy schedule or while on vacation.
Start Here, Start Now: The 8-Week Beginner Workout Plan
Man or woman, mass-builder or fat-cutter, this plan will put you closer to where you want to be. Stop program hopping and get serious with these 3 rules and this 8-week plan.
2 Week Beginner Program By Michael Ashcroft
A fortnight worth of basic gymnastic/metcon CrossFit programming to use whenyou can't make it into the gym. No equipment required. Just you and some space
Beginners' Workout by Greg Glassman - CrossFit Journal
The CrossFit Journal is an advertising-free digital publication dedicated to functional fitness. Hundreds of articles document the tenets of the CrossFit concept and provide insights from contributing coaches, trainers, athletes, and researchers.