How to Sequence a Yoga Class for the Chakras
YJ LIVE! presenter Rolf Gates walks us through the nuances of designing a 7-part yoga sequence that touches on each of the seven chakras.
Root To Crown: 7 Yoga Poses To Balance Your Chakras
This beyond-gorgeous yoga book is teaching us how to balance your chakras with all 7 chakras, pose by pose
Which of Your Chakras Are Blocked And How to Fix Them?
Each of the 7 chakras is like a portal in your energy field. If it's blocked, the energy can't flow freely which results in certain mental and physical problems. So how can you figure out which of your chakras is unbalanced or blocked and what can you do to fix this?
The 7 Chakras for Beginners
7 Chakras for Beginners: Healing, Balancing, Opening Chakras: Exercises, Foods, Colors The seven chakras are the centers in our bodies in which energy flows through.
Yoga and the Chakras - Yoga Outlet
Practicing yoga can help to balance your chakras, the main energy centers of your body. Learn more about the basics of yoga and the chakras with this guide.
A Beginner's Guide to the Chakras -Yoga Journal
Channel more confidence, creativity, and joy into your life with a basic understanding of your body's energy centers.
Chakra Yoga: Asanas For Chakras
Chakra yoga is the practice of using yoga postures and controlled breath, known as pranayama, to cleanse, balance, and open the chakras, or energy centers, of the body.
Kundalini Yoga Postures to Clear the Chakras
When using Kundalini yoga to clear the chakras, asanas are useful to open pranic flow.
7 Yoga Poses To Balance Your Chakras - mindbodygreen
In response to requests I received after publication of my earlier article on how to unblock your chakras through a writing exercise.
The Seven Chakras -Yoga Basics
Through inner attunement, the ancient yogis were able to perceive the energetic basis of all matter. Learn about them here.
Balancing Chakras and Asanas -Yoga Journal
Learn more about the seven chakras, or "spinning wheels", and how they can be balanced through specific asanas and yoga practice.