Karma - The Laws of Cause and Effect
Each individual creates their own karma by experiencing results, their ability to learn, and their disregard for experiencing. We creates our own capacities and limitations. Karma is the need to know more about a feeling, or an action, to make one's knowledge more complete and whole. It is the necessity to experience an action or thought more fully, or from a different perspective, so that you understand it as completely as possible in order to maintain balance in your mental creations.
Hinduism Today
What happens after death? Why is there so much happiness for some and suffering for others in a lifetime?
Karma (Hinduism)
Karma is the Hindu view of causality in which good deeds, words, thoughts, and commands lead to beneficial effects for a person, and bad deeds, words, thoughts, and commands lead to harmful effects.
Karma in Hinduism
The Sanskrit word karma means "actions" or "deeds." As a religious term, karma refers to intentional actions that affect one's fortunes in this life and the next.
Karma in Hinduism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Karma is a concept in Hinduism which explains causality through a system where beneficial effects are derived from past beneficial actions and harmful effects from past harmful actions, creating a system of actions and reactions throughout a soul's reincarnated lives forming a cycle of rebirth.
What is Karma in Hinduism?
This article explains the meaning, beliefs, and types karma in Hinduism and the various yoga to resolve karma.
Heart of Hinduism - The Law of Karma
The law of karma underpins the process of transmigration of the soul. Karma literally means "action," but more often refers to the accumulated reactions to activities.
What Is Karma? - Hinduism Buddhism
Karma, a Sanskrit word that roughly translates to "action," is a core concept in some Eastern religions, including Hinduism and Buddhism.
BBC - Religions - Hindu Concepts
This article explains the Hindu concepts of Atman, Dharma, Varna, Karma, Samsara, Purushartha, Moksha, Brahman, Bhagavan and Ishvara.
What Is Karma? - About the Karmic Law of Cause & Effect
Hindus believe that it is Karma or the 'Law of Cause & Effect' that can lead one to salvation.
Hindu Tenets - The Law Of Karma - And More
The Law Of Karma, The Doctrine Of Reincarnation, The Concept Of Avatara.