Coexist: 5 Common Misunderstandings About The Muslim Culture
For one, Islam does not oppress women.
The Rise of the Islamic Feminists | The Nation
Muslim women are fighting for their rights from within Islamic tradition, rather than against it.
5 Features of Islamic Culture
5 Features of Islamic Culture - Shari`ah & Life - Shari`ah - OnIslam.
Muslim Culture and Traditions
Islamic or Muslim culture and traditions are unique to Arabia. As Islam spread throughout the world its culture and traditions were influenced by Mongol, Persian, Turkic, Berber, Indian and Indonesian cultures. The current Islamic practices and customs are the result of amalgamation of local culture and Muslim beliefs.
Islamic Culture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Islamic culture is a term primarily used in secular academia to describe the cultural practices common to historically Islamic people. The early forms of Muslim culture were predominantly Arab.
Islamic Cultures, Religious Affiliation, and Sex Outside of Marriage
In our study we were interested in examining differences between religious groups and the dominant religious faith within nations in the likelihood that residents would engage in premarital or extramarital sex.
Islam and Culture - Don't Mix Them Up - MinnPost
As an American Muslim, when I see the issues and events about Islam that get treated as "news" in the mainstream media, it bothers me that so many are portrayed as "problems with Islam," the religion, when they are in reality problems of culture, traditions, politics, superstitions, and tribal or ethnic codes of conduct.
Muslim Customs and Traditions Relating to Childbirth
Each culture and religion has its own customs and traditions for the birth of a child. During and after the birth of a Muslim child, there are certain rituals the mother and father must perform.
Culture Versus Islam
A comprehensive information site for Muslims and Truth Seekers alike. We have many sections including Islamic Knowledge,The Muslim Family,Youth with a Mission,Home Education,New World Order, Comparative Religion and much more.
Family Life in Islam
We have discussed the salient features of the Islamic outlook on life, the foundations of the family in Islam and its objectives and functions. In this final section an effort shall be made to explain briefly the actual working of the institution of the family in Islam, its structure, principles and rules.