Sacred Texts - Jewish Sacred Texts
This guide allows you to explore the Torah and other sacred Jewish texts as well as read scholarly commentary, listen to recordings of verses, and learn the significance of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Jewish Sacred Texts
The importance of Judaism's sacred texts extends far beyond their religious significance. These ancient documents embody not only Judaism's religious precepts, but also the historical, cultural and social heritage of the Jewish people.
Texts of Judaism
Texts of Judaism from sacred texts.
Jewish Sacred Texts - ReligionFacts
Followers of the Jewish religion are known as the "People of the Book," an appropriate title. After the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE and the subsequent exile, sacrifices became impossible and Jewish religious life turned to Torah study and prayer in the synagogue.
Sacred Texts - ReformJudaism
Learn about the Talmud, the Mishnah, Pirkei Avot, and other sacred Jewish texts.
Sacred Texts
Jewish scriptures are grounded in Torah, the first five books of the Hebrew Bible, but the revelation of Torah extends indefinitely through the history of Jewish literature as commentary.
Jewish Religious Texts - A Brief Description
Jewish Religious Texts - A Brief Description
Judaism 101 - Torah
Learn about the concept of Torah, the books of Jewish scriptures and other sacred Jewish writings.
BBC - Religions - Judaism: The Torah
This article examines The Torah - what it is, how it is used and how it is constructed.
Sacred Texts: The Hebrew Bible - Israel & Judaism Studies
Israel & Judaism Studies - The Education Website of the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies.