Biological Anthropology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Biological anthropology, also known as physical anthropology, is a scientific discipline concerned with the biological and behavioral aspects of human beings, their related non-human primates and their extinct hominin ancestors
AMNH - Biological Anthropology
Dr. Ian Tattersall is Curator Emeritus of Biological Anthropology. He carried out both primatological and paleontological fieldwork in Madagascar, Vietnam, Surinam, Yemen and Mauritius. His current research interest lies in systematics within the genus Homo and in the origin of modern human cognition.
Physical Anthropology - Anthropology
Posts about Physical Anthropology written by Kambiz Kamrani
Overview of Physical Anthropology - Study
This lesson will seek to give an overview of physical anthropology, a branch of science that encompasses both biology and social science.
American Journal of Physical Anthropology
The American Journal of Physical Anthropology (AJPA) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal and the official journal of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists.
Biological Anthropology - Human Nature, Race, Evolution
Explores biological anthropology, emphasizing biology and evolution as dynamic processes and anthropological documentation of human possibility.
Biological Anthropology - DiscoverAnthropology
Physical/ biological anthropology is the study of the past and present evolution of the human species and is especially concerned with understanding the causes of present human diversity.
Biological Anthropology - Learn Science at Scitable
Where do we come from? Where are we going? These are some of the big questions biological anthropology seeks to answer, using the principles of evolution as a backdrop for formulating and testing hypotheses about humanity's past, present, and future.
Physical Anthropology - Britannica
Branch of anthropology concerned with the origin, evolution, and diversity of people. Physical anthropologists work broadly on three major sets of problems: human and nonhuman.
American Association of Physical Anthropologists
There are many academic careers for appropriately trained physical anthropologists. The most common and traditional job openings are found in anthropology departments in colleges and universities.