International Trade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
International trade is the exchange of capital, goods, and services across international borders or territories, which could involve the activities of the government and individual.
International Economics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
International economics is concerned with the effects upon economic activity from international differences in productive resources and consumer preferences and the international institutions that affect them.
The Growth of the Global Mobile Internet Economy
In the 13 countries that represent about 70 percent of world GDP, the mobile Internet is generating some $700 billion in revenues and a consumer benefit of about $3.5 trillion annually. The mobile Internet also employs about 3 million people in those countries, where revenues are expected to reach $1.55 trillion by 2017. Â
The Global Village: Connected World Drives Economic Shift
The world economy is undergoing a structural shift as emerging markets catch up to advanced economies. The new issue of Finance & Development magazine sets out some of the steps needed to fight the risks and reap the rewards of integration in a more multipolar, interdependent world.
Articles about International Economics
International Trade News. Find breaking news, commentary, and archival information about International Trade From The timesofindia-economictimes
International Trade and World Market
News about international trade and the world market. Commentary and archival information about international trade and world markets from The New York Times.
Why Study - International Economics
Why Study - International Economics and Business
International Economic Relations
Increased international trade, and the lowering of barriers to such trade, frequently results in improved international relations, but it can also lead to trade wars and tariff disputes.
International Economics - Studying Economics
International Economics - Studying Economics - Stydingeconomics.ac.uk
What Is International Economics?
Article for beginners answers the question: What Is International Economics?