In preparation for optimal cleansing, dry brushing begins the cleansing process by exfoliating the scalp to help loosen build-up and impurities. This brushing technique also helps increase microcirculation, creating an optimal foundation for beautiful hair.
If you’ve spent any time in a yoga studio, you have no doubt heard the word “asana,” which means “position” in Sanskrit. Our new Pramāsana™ collection incorporates the word because we believe that a healthy scalp is the foundation (or “prama” in Sanskrit).
In preparation for optimal cleansing, dry brushing begins the cleansing process by exfoliating the scalp to help loosen build-up and impurities. This brushing technique also helps increase microcirculation, creating an optimal foundation for beautiful hair.
If you’ve spent any time in a yoga studio, you have no doubt heard the word “asana,” which means “position” in Sanskrit. Our new Pramāsana™ collection incorporates the word because we believe that a healthy scalp is the foundation (or “prama” in Sanskrit).