Advanced JS: Games & Visualizations | Computer programming | Khan Academy
Once you've taken Intro to JS, go here to learn techniques to help you make multi-scene programs, 3d graphics, button menus, and scored games.
Advanced Coding Concepts
Have you mastered the basics of coding? Are you ready to learn some advanced coding techniques? This is the best place to start, so take a look at our resources for taking your skills to the next level.
Advanced JavaScript | Microsoft Docs
All the links to the best parts of the advanced version of Javascript used for gaming.
Learn to Code Advanced HTML & CSS
Learn to Code Advanced HTML & CSS takes a deeper look at front-end design and development, expanding on what is covered in the beginner’s guide.
Beyond an Hour of Code
Info on any kind of coding you might want to know.
Programming Tutorial - How To Make An Advanced Game in Batch #1 - YouTube
This is a more advanced tutorial for how to make a game in batch. In this tutorial we cover the extreme basics of setting everything up.
Video Game Development - A Comprehensive Breakdown
Covers steps to take if you want to become a game developer, education for game developers, skills for game developers, the game developer industry, entrepreneurship as a game developer, game developer resources, and the competition for game developers.
Top 7 Programming Languages Used in Video Games | Freelancer Blog
While people are likely to bunch video games together as a single industry, the video game industry is very diverse from a technological standpoint.
Coding Games and Programming Challenges to Code Better
CodinGame is a challenge-based training platform for programmers where you can play with the hottest programming topics. Solve games, code AI bots, learn from your peers, have fun.
Game Mechanics | PDF
Advanced Game Design
http://fixnum.org/wim/Game Mechanics - Advanced Game Design - E. Adams, J. Dormans (New Riders, 2012) BBS.pdf