#HealthyFood4All Twitter Party Supporting Online Food Stamps
It’s something that’s completely fallen through the cracks of modern society — get this: In 2016, food stamps still can’t be used to make online food purchases. We can go online and buy almost ANYTHING. You name it, you can get it. So why are 46.5 million people who depend on food stamps stuck in the stone age?
What is a Twitter Party and How do I Attend One?
A twitter party is basically a live chat on Twitter using the hashtag (#) search feature to organize the conversation and encourage others to participate.
#RethinkthePink About Breast Cancer Twitter Party
The Breast Cancer Fund, The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics & Mamavation want to spread the word that cancer prevention is more than just pink ribbons and walks. It isn’t just about diet & exercise either: Environmental toxins are suspected to cause 90% of breast cancer in America.
#ConcealorReveal Twitter Party with Just Label It May 18th
FACT: Food companies including Quaker’s parent company Pepsico have together spent over $100 million dollars to prevent mandatory GMO labeling. Quaker likes to market their honest and healthy image to moms, yet they are contributing to efforts to block our right to know what’s in our food.
Join the #NewMacDonald Twitter Party 3/11
Why is organic so special? We’ve covered why organic products are better for your family’s health. But now we are celebrating with Only Organic as they launch a very special video, New MacDonald.
#LabelGMOs Twitter Party
Do you want GMOs labeled?Colorado & Oregon are about to vote on state initiatives that will determine the future of labeling in this country. Already Vermont, Maine & Connecticut have passed labeling laws. Next up is Oregon & Colorado. Would you like to help us get out the vote…especially in those two states? We need your help NOW!
What’s Inside Your Feminine Products Twitter Party
Do you know the ingredients in your feminine products? Check the box and look. Go ahead. I’ll wait…..*whistles dixie*You might have noticed that the ingredients are not labeled. So you actually have NO idea what is inside your tampons and pads, right? That’s cause it’s considered a "medical device" so by law they don’t’ have to tell you what’s in them. But don’t you want to know? Do you have a right to know?
#RealReform of Chemicals Twitter Party
What would you do if you woke up one day and the water coming from your tap was poisoned?Over 300,000 people in West Virginia woke up to poisoned water two weeks ago
#SimilacNoGMO Petition Twitter Party
I’m on a mission to protect babies.Especially the ones who are poor, have limited accesses to resources, or who have parents who just aren’t paying attention. And I can use your help.
#Ashamed Twitter Party and Petition For Children in Georgia
Mom blogging and health-based communities all over the internet are uniting this Friday, January 27th from 9-10pm EST to petition the @Strong_4_Life Campaign and the State of Georgia to cease this campaign before it does any more damage to children. The Strong4Life Campaign has purchased billboard ads all over the State of Georgia in hopes to promote a "wake-up call" to Georgian parents about how many children are obese. Unfortunately, they decided to create ads that are so controversial, they are down right offensive and hurtful to children. We think they have gone too far. As a concerned group of moms we recognize that Georgia has a large scale problem with obesity. No one is refuting that. We are refuting however tactics that would inadvertently harm children in the process.