Top 5 Foods that Fight Cancer
As we enter into National Cancer Prevention month, it seems fitting to talk about simple ways to reduce our risk of cancer. No one likes to talk about cancer, but with more than 50% of cancers being preventable, it’s something worth discussing. You can up your odds of prevention just by incorporating certain foods into your diet. I promise it’s some of the easiest adulting you’ll even do. Check out these 5 foods that fight cancer – and are proven to do so. Read up and eat up!
California Strawberries: More Than Just Tasty!
One of the things that really stood out for me during the trip was learning about the health benefits of strawberries. Most of you probably already know that strawberries are high in vitamin C and low in calories, but there’s more to them than that!The potassium in strawberries helps control blood pressure and fight stroke.They contain fiber, which is helpful for weight control and relieving constipation.Women who consume more strawberries are found to be less likely to develop dementia later in life.Phytochemicals found in strawberries help prevent cancer.
10 Reasons to Drink Raw Milk
You may recall the catchphrase, "milk, it does a body good." It was part of a campaign in the late 80’s and early 90’s to boost the sales of milk. There is truth to the idea that milk is good for you and your body, but this marketing has one flaw. The processed milk sold commercially today isn’t really milk by the time it reaches the grocery store. We’ve seen that highly processed foods can be a detriment to our health and even cause cancer. In oder to receive all the benefits milk has to offer, you need to drink it in it’s original state–raw.
50 Superfoods You Should Be Eating
The food we eat can impact our bodies in many different ways. Superfoods are those unique foods that benefit our health in more ways than one. They contain a myriad of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and more. See why the foods below are a great addition to your diet.
Fight Inflammation: 5 Steps by Author Amie Valpone
2. Heal Your Gut.Over 70% of our immune system is located in our gut so focusing on gut health is a great place to start when your immune system needs an overhaul. If your gut isn’t in good shape, you’ll find yourself dealing with unwanted symptoms such as bloating, acne, arthritis and more. Focus on adding in probiotic-rich foods like kimchi and sauerkraut as well as taking a high-quality probiotic to replenish the good bacteria in your gut, fight inflammation, and keep your immune system health and happy.