Congratulations! The third week of pregnancy is usually when ovulation and implantation occur. Here’s what you should know about your body and your baby this week.
If all has gone according to plan, your baby is officially beginning to grow inside you during week three, even if she is only a bundle of cells at this point.
Congratulations, you are now officially pregnant. Being 3 weeks pregnant means that one of your partner’s sperm and one of your eggs have combined and you are in the earliest of stages of pregnancy.
At 3 weeks pregnant, your baby is smaller than a poppy seed. This is the week you've ovulated and conceived. Your baby is quickly developing as fertilization occurs. You may even start feeling early pregnancy symptoms, like a heightened sense of smell.
Congratulations! The third week of pregnancy is usually when ovulation and implantation occur. Here’s what you should know about your body and your baby this week.
If all has gone according to plan, your baby is officially beginning to grow inside you during week three, even if she is only a bundle of cells at this point.
Congratulations, you are now officially pregnant. Being 3 weeks pregnant means that one of your partner’s sperm and one of your eggs have combined and you are in the earliest of stages of pregnancy.
At 3 weeks pregnant, your baby is smaller than a poppy seed. This is the week you've ovulated and conceived. Your baby is quickly developing as fertilization occurs. You may even start feeling early pregnancy symptoms, like a heightened sense of smell.