Momma Owl's Lab: Crayon Rocks
I thought we'd revisit the types of rocks again (sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous) - but this time give them a more active and visual way to think about how each are formed. There are many examples of creating rocks from crayons, but this pdf from the the Exploratorium is very helpful.
Science apps and activities for kids
Science apps and activities for kids
Life Cycle of a Frog (free printable)
FREE Life Cycle of a Frog printable includes chart, vocabulary, facts, and more as kids kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade and more have a science experiment watching tadpoles become frogs. CUTE!
Penny Launcher | Activity | Education.com
Ready for takeoff! Make science fun and teach about levers and fulcrums as your child sends pennies flying.
3 Types of Rocks - YouTube
You will learn about "3 Types of Rocks" in this video. Rocks can be broadly divided into three types on the bases of their formation, namely igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks and metamorphic rocks.
Fossil Day Fun! (By Sun and Candlelight)
In honor of National Fossil Day (which was yesterday, October 12th), Earlybird and I made some homemade, backyard "fossils!"
Science Experiments - Classroom Confetti
Elementary classroom ideas, lessons, classroom management tips, and teaching freebies can all be found at Classroom Confetti.
Apple Science Experiment
This apple science experiment is cool to watch! The kids love acid and base reactions and can't wait to see how they react with apples!
Hands-on Science: Create a Water Cycle Project using LEGOS - Edventures with Kids
Build a water cycle project with LEGOS ! This 3D model is a perfect hands-on science activity for environmental education.
The Third Grade Zoo: Solids, Liquids, and Gases Oh My…
The next experiment is all about watching liquid turn into a solid when turning cream into butter. This experiment is a fun and hands-on way to learn about solids and liquids, and this experiment is also great conversation starter about chemical changes because once the cream turns into butter it cannot be changed back, therefore a chemical change has occurred.
20 Unit Preview
20 hands-on engineering design challenges! Choose the EiE units that complement the science topics you teach.
Electronics Project for Kids: Steady Hand Game
Electronics Project for Kids - Kids will be amazed as they learn about electricity while making this steady hand electronics game. This is such a fun science project that while help them learn as they play! Great for kindergarten, first grade, second grade, third grade, fourth grade, fifth grade, sixth grade, and more for after school, science fair project, homeschooling, and more!
Clouds - Super Fun Preschool Geography
This geography activity is my all time favorite. Clouds are ridiculously cool. So, why not introduce kids to them by way of sensory and art? Enjoy!
Learning to Laugh: Biome Bottles, Ecosystem Learning... and Nine-Year-Olds
I just LOVE nature and last year I jumped our third graders in with both feet and we made a huge mess in my room for two days and assembled fully self-contained terrestrial and aquatic biome bottles.
STEM til the END: Engaging STEM Activities for the End of the Year | All About 3rd Grade
A collaborative blog that shares teaching ideas and resources geared to third grade teachers and students.
Activities | Education.com
Award winning educational materials like worksheets, games, lesson plans and activities designed to help kids succeed. Start for free now!
3rd Grade Physical Science Activities | Education.com
Physical science activities & experiments that help show your child the fun side of learning science.
theteachyteacher: Blast off to the MOON
I wanted to do a compilation including the best of the best engaging activities about THE MOON!