Asia | Ethnologue
Navigation map and statistical summary of the language situation for Asia.
Languages of Asia
Languages of Asia publishes monographs and other books based on original research and dealing with the languages of Asia as well on the languages of adjacent regions that originated in Asia, but are currently found elsewhere, such as, for exampl
ASIAN LANGUAGES | Facts and Details
Nearly all of the languages spoken in Southeast Asia fall into four language families: 1) Sino-Tibetan, which includes Mandarin, Cantonese and the other Chinese languages; 2) Miao-Yao, which includes the languages spoken by many hill tribes and ethnic groups scattered along half
Asia - countries, languages, inhabitants, capitals in English
List of Countries, Languages, Inhabitants, Capitals in Asia - Learning English
The Disappearing Languages of Asia - The Atlantic
As more cultures assimilate or die out, their languages are in danger of extinction.
Languages Spoken in Asia - Demystify Asia
Many Westerners refer to the a big portion of Asia as APAC. APAC typically consists of countries as far North as Japan and Korea and South down to Australia and New Zealand. From the West...
Languages in Asia
Bahrain, Arabic, 400,000, Official language. Bangla Desh, Bengali, 100,000,000, Official language. Urdu, 500,000. Bhutan, Jonkha, Official language.
Top Languages in Asia - HomeAway Asia Blog
Facts From The Infographic. There are 2,197 spoken languages in Asia. Four of the top Asian languages are the most used languages on the internet. The Top 10 Languages in Asia
National Languages of Asian Countries :: Nations Online Project
everyone speaks Yue Chinese (Cantonese), English is used as a "working language". English, Chinese dialects, Tamil, Telugu, Malaya
Languages of Asia - Wikipedia
There is a wide variety of languages spoken throughout Asia, comprising different language families and some unrelated isolates. The major language families spoken on the continent include Altaic, Austroasiatic, Austronesian, Caucasian, Dravidian, Indo-European, Semitic, Siberian