Gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender individuals have special health concerns besides the usual ones that affect most men and women. On this page you'll find information about these specific health issues.
Gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender individuals have special health concerns besides the usual ones that affect most men and women. On this page you'll find information about these specific health issues.
Gender dysphoria isn't a mental condition, but it can cause extreme distress, anxiety, and depression. Developing a good support group is important for people with this condition.
Gender dysphoria (GD), also known as gender identity disorder (GID), formal diagnosis given by mental health professionals to people who experience distress because of a significant incongruence between the gender with which they personally identify and the gender with which they were born.
Gender dysphoria isn't a mental condition, but it can cause extreme distress, anxiety, and depression. Developing a good support group is important for people with this condition.
Gender dysphoria (GD), also known as gender identity disorder (GID), formal diagnosis given by mental health professionals to people who experience distress because of a significant incongruence between the gender with which they personally identify and the gender with which they were born.