Tara Grant, also known as Primal Girl, has been living an ancestral lifestyle since 2009. Her story wasn’t all rainbows and butterflies, though, as she also struggled with her weight and her own body issues all throughout her life.
Tara Grant, also known as Primal Girl, has been living an ancestral lifestyle since 2009. Her story wasn’t all rainbows and butterflies, though, as she also struggled with her weight and her own body issues all throughout her life.
Primal Girl. 5,663 likes · 10 talking about this. I've been Primal/Paleo since 2009 and have had incredible success with the lifestyle. Find out how a Paleo lifestyle can help you at PrimalGirl.com.
Primal Girl. 5,663 likes · 10 talking about this. I've been Primal/Paleo since 2009 and have had incredible success with the lifestyle. Find out how a Paleo lifestyle can help you at PrimalGirl.com.