Top 9 Ethical Issues in Artificial Intelligence - World Economic Forum
Some of the top ethical concerns of AI.
Robots VS Humanity: 5 Pressing Ethical Issues in Artificial Intelligence
Exploring some of the possible ethical issues regarding artificial intelligence.
The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence in Law - Digital Pulse
What happens when artificial intelligence meets the law? A panel of experts discuss the ethical issues that automation presents to the legal profession.
Artificial Intelligence Social Ethical And Professional Issues Information Technology Essay
Artificial Intelligence is the engineering of making intelligent machines such as computer programmes as per John Mc Carthy (1956).
Tech Giants Grapple with the Ethical Concerns Raised by the AI Boom - Technology Review
As machines take over more decisions from humans, new questions about fairness, ethics, and morality arise.
Artificial Intelligence: Legal, Ethical, and Policy Issues - ZDNet
AI is surrounded by marketing hype, jargon, inflated expectations, and fear. Two experts offer realistic and thoughtful ideas about AI in our society and economy.
The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence: A Future Dilemma with Humanoid Robotics - Executive Vine
The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics.
Ethical dilemmas in the age of AI - VentureBeat
In the age of AI, how can we live with artificially intelligent machines and robots that may become more intelligent than us? An AI machine can be a computer or smart device; it can also be known as a robot that, with or without appendages, can emulate human life physically.
The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence - Huffington Post
How can we implement AI technology while remaining faithful to our ethical obligations? The solution requires systematic effort.
9 Key AI Ethical Issues and How to Handle Them - AIBusiness
With the rapid development of today’s technology, and particularly within the AI-sphere, ethical issues have followed as a result to the technology changing our daily lives.
Ethics And Creativity In Artificial Intelligence: An Interview With Mark Riedl
“The more an AI system or a robot can understand the values of the people that it’s interacting with, the less conflict there’ll be.”
With Gift, Carnegie Mellon Scholars Seek To Better Define Artificial Intelligence Ethics - NPR
What happens when you make robots that are smart, independent thinkers — and then try to limit their autonomy? A $10 million gift is aimed at answering such questions at Carnegie Mellon University.
Artificial Intelligence: Where’s the Philosophical Scrutiny? - Prospect Magazine
AI research raises profound questions—but answers are lacking.
Towards a Code of Ethics in Artificial Intelligence with Paula Boddington - Future of Life
AI promises a smarter world – a world where finance algorithms analyze data better than humans, self-driving cars save millions of lives from accidents, and medical robots eradicate disease. But machines aren’t perfect. Whether an automated trading agent buys the wrong stock, a self-driving car hits a pedestrian, or a medical robot misses a cancerous tumor – machines will make mistakes that severely impact human lives.
Robotics: Ethics of Artificial Intelligence - Nature News and Comment
Four leading researchers share their concerns and solutions for reducing societal risks from intelligent machines.
How Tech Giants Are Devising Real Ethics for Artificial Intelligence - The New York Times
Four people involved in the creation of an industry partnership say its intent will be clear: to ensure that A.I. research is focused on things that will benefit people, not hurt them.
Emerging Ethical Concerns In the Age of Artificial Intelligence - Entrepreneur
Do electric sheep need shepherds?
The Importance of Building Ethics Into Artificial Intelligence - Mashable
Computers are learning from us—and that can mean introducing biases.
Ethics and Artificial Intelligence: The Moral Compass of a Machine - Recode
The question of robotic ethics is making everyone tense.
Ethics for Artificial Intelligence - Towards a Code of Ethics for Artificial Intelligence
This is the website for a project based in the Computer Science Department, University of Oxford, ‘Towards a Code of Ethics for Artificial Intelligence Research’, which is being carried out by Professor Mike Wooldridge, Professor Peter Millican, and Dr Paula Boddington.
Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence - Wikipedia
The philosophy of artificial intelligence attempts to answer such questions as follows.
Ethics of Artificial Intelligence - Wikipedia
The ethics of artificial intelligence is the part of the ethics of technology specific to robots and other artificially intelligent beings. It is typically[citation needed] divided into roboethics, a concern with the moral behavior of humans as they design, construct, use and treat artificially intelligent beings, and machine ethics, which is concerned with the moral behavior of artificial moral agents (AMAs).