Gibbon - Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia
Gibbons are apes in the family. The family historically contained one genus, but now is split into four genera. Gibbons occur in tropical and subtropical rainforests from eastern Bangladesh and northeast India to southern China and Indonesia.
Gibbons - WWF
Gibbons are small, arboreal apes, distributed in the wild in the tropical and subtropical rainforests of southeast Asia.
Gibbons - National Geographic
Learn all you wanted to know about gibbons with pictures, videos, photos, facts, and news from National Geographic.
Gibbon (Hylobatidae) - A-Z Animals
The gibbon is a small sized ape, found inhabiting the dense jungles and tropical rainforests across south-east Asia.
Gibbon Gallery: Photos of Charismatic Primates - Livescience
These fluffy gibbons are the acrobats of the rain forests.
Gibbon - ZooBorns
The newest, cutest baby animals from the world's accredited zoos and aquariums. Cute baby animal pictures and videos by date, species, and institution.
Fact Sheet: What Are the Gibbons?
The gibbons, together with the great apes, make up the superfamily of the apes.
Gibbon - Monkey-Worlds
A Gibbon is often described as a Monkey but most classify them as Apes.
Gibbons: The Forgotten Ape - Sumatran Orangutan Society
Sumatran orangutans are critically endangered. Habitat loss and poaching are pushing them towards imminent extinction.