Brie | |
Country of origin | France |
Region, town | Seine-et-Marne |
Source of milk | Cows |
Pasteurized | Required in the United States and Australia, not in most of Europe |
Texture | Soft |
Aging time | Generally 5 to 6 weeks |
Certification | AOC: 1980, for both Brie de Meaux and Brie de Melun |
Named after | Brie |
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Brie | |
Country of origin | France |
Region, town | Seine-et-Marne |
Source of milk | Cows |
Pasteurized | Required in the United States and Australia, not in most of Europe |
Texture | Soft |
Aging time | Generally 5 to 6 weeks |
Certification | AOC: 1980, for both Brie de Meaux and Brie de Melun |
Named after | Brie |
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