Be Blogalicious Marketing Network - Be Blogalicious
The b-Link Marketing Network is a truly multicultural network comprised of diverse, multimedia influencers who are respected within their communities. We create colorful and effective campaigns that have soul!
Be Blogalicious For Marketers - Be Blogalicious
Our community shines when it’s time to connect in real life! Whether our influencers are providing social media coverage for an in-store retail event for Macy’s Culinary Council, are attending the opening of redesigned McDonalds’ restaurants as special guests, or participating in a focus group VIP media brunch for OraQuick, the valuable output of these in-person experiences is tangible.
Be Blogalicious For Influencers - Be Blogalicious
Your Influence Is Value. We are excited to invite you to join The bLink Marketing Network! We’re on a mission to bridge the gap between multicultural social influencers and targeted, culturally relevant brand campaigns. Blogalicious understands the unique needs and concerns of our community and we are driven to include YOUR voice in the mainstream marketing conversations. We also want to support your growth as professional influencers. The bLink is your ultimate network for: Resourceful, Revenue-Producing and Relevant campaigns!
Mahogany Creates Meaningful Connections with Target Consumers and Sees Metrics Soar
Hallmark reached out The bLink Marketing Network to help the company amplify their Mahogany brand byelevating awareness and creating authentic and engaging experiences for African-Americans using thelatest cards from its holiday line.
Dove Rocks Its Woldwide Public Unveiling of Emojis to Celebrate Multicultural Beauty
Dove reached out to The b-Link Marketing Network for direction, inspiration and ideas on how to execute itspublic launch of the #LoveYourCurls Campaign and introduce its super fun, confident, koily, proud, beautiful andwavy emojis to the world.
bLink Marketing Network Creates Buzz and Boost Applicant Submittals forDisney Dreamers Academy
Disney reached out to bLink Marketing Network seeking to raise awareness and applicant submittalsamong African American teens for its Disney Dreamer's Academy, which unlocks the potential in youngpeople and enables them to imagine their futures anew through inspirational leaders and resources.