Studies | Savonia
Information you find here is mainly for those new students of Savonia University of Applied Sciences who cannot yet access Savonia’s intranet Reppu. Here is also information for those students, who wish to know more about the timetables of the academic year, curriculum, the benefits of KELA (the Social Insurance Institution of Finland) and other services provided for the students.
Applying | Savonia
Savonia University of Applied Sciences is an Institution of higher education which offers degree programmes in Finnish in six fields of study. In 2017 Savonia offers threee degree programmes in English:
Savonia-ammattikorkeakoulu - Home | Facebook
Savonia-ammattikorkeakoulu, Kuopio, Finland. 5,827 likes · 156 talking about this. Savonia on yksi Suomen suurimmista ja monipuolisimmista ammattikorkeakouluista. Koulutamme osaajia kuudella alalla Kuopiossa, Varkaudessa ja Iisalmessa.
SavoniaAMK (@SavoniaAMK) | Twitter
The latest Tweets from SavoniaAMK (@SavoniaAMK). Savonia-amk│Kuopio, Iisalmi, Varkaus│Ajankohtaisia twiittejä ja kuulumisia asiantuntijoiden ja osaajien keskeltä #SavoniaAMK #SavoniaUAS #uuttaluomassa. Kuopio, Suomi
Savonia University of Applied Sciences - Wikipedia
Savonia University of Applied Sciences (Finnish: Savonia-ammattikorkeakoulu) is a local municipality-owned Finnish institution of higher education based in the cities of Kuopio, Iisalmi and Varkaus.
Savonia offers bachelor's and master's degree programmes. It is the sixth largest University of Applied Sciences in Finland with about 6,500 students.[1]
The largest field of education is Engineering. Engineers graduate after a minimum of four years and 240 ECTS credits after which they are awarded with the degree of Insinööri (AMK), equivalent to a Bachelor of Engineering (BEng). The second largest field is Business, which educates its students for a minimum of three years and 210 ECTS credits. Business studies lead to the degree of Tradenomi, equivalent to Bachelor of Business Administration.