Using Grocery Flyers To Practice Math Skills
Have you ever considered using grocery store flyers to help your students practice math skills? There are so many possibilities, and the fun is endless!
Show What You Know!
What keeps cooperative learning from becoming chaotic? Structure, equal participation, and individual accountability! When all students are actively engaged, there's no time for misbehavior and learning is multiplied!Individual dry erase boards are essential if you want to foster active engagement. One of my favorite cooperative learning activities involving dry erase boards is "Showdown." This strategy includes all of the elements that make cooperative learning lessons successful. It has a clear structure, students participate equally, and all team members are held individually accountable for their own work.
Round and Compare Decimal Review Cards
Partner Decimal Writing
Directions: Take turns with your partner. One person quietly reads the word form to his orher partner and writes the standard form next to it. The other person places a check in thebox if it’s correct, or discusses it with you if it doesn’t seem to be correct. You can changeyour answer if you realize you made a mistake. Switch roles for each problem.
Buzzing for Products Decimal Multiplication
Students take turns selecting factors to multiply.They score points based on the value of the productin relation to several target numbers.
Decimal War
Students play a version of the classic card game "War," using decimals cards instead of regular playing cards. In each round, the person with the largest decimal number captures the other card or cards.
Pairs Check
Pairs Check involves students alternately working in pairs and teams. Students first solve one or two problems as a pair, then check their answers with their teammates. The pair work results in a high level of ontask behavior. In addition, the frequent "team checks" ensure a high degree of mathematical accuracy. No matter how difficult the task, at least one student on the team is likely to have mastered the skill and willkeep the rest of the team on track. All students benefit from helping and coaching each other. Students who are having difficulty often learn more easily from other students who have mastered a skill.