Science Buddies Lab Report
Science Buddies Letter to Parents
Creeping Colors Take-home Activity
Creeping Colors Take-home Activity (from Science Buddies) This activity is designed to be completed at home, with a cooperative learning follow-up lesson in the classroom. You'll also find complete directions for the student activity and the cooperative follow-up.
Tropical Treasure Hunt
Tropical Treasure Hunt (from Exploring the Rain Forest) - This lesson is an Internet treasure hunt structured for students working in teams of four. The file is large, so you'll have to wait several minutes to download it to your computer. If you have trouble printing the entire lesson, try printing each page separately.
Exploring The Rain Forest: Multiple Intelligences & Cooperative Learning Activities
Take your students on a safari through the tropical rain forest. Use their limitless curiosity and enthusiasm about this theme as a springboard into every subject! Includes 36 ready-to-do cooperative, multiple intelligences activities to explore the rain forest. These interactive activities are a great way to integrate your curriculum and engage your students many ways of being smart. Working in teams and with classmates, your students will create and sing tropical tunes, write letters to conservation agencies, map the rain forests of the world, learn about the rain forest products, medical mysteries, amazing animals, jungle secrets, layers of life and much more. Loaded with reproducibles. Explore the rain forest with your class to make learning an unforgettable adventure.
Science buddies: Cooperative Science Activities
Students and parents share the excitement of science discovery with simple and safe send-home investigations. Each activity has a teacher page complete with an overview, ideas for introducing the activity, answers, and cooperative classroom follow-up ideas and a send-home blackline with step-by-step directions, activity illustrations, and discussion questions. Perfect for parental involvement and in-class success. Science investigations are also terrific for the classroom.
Cooperative Learning & Hands-On Science
Cooperative Learning & Hands-On Science [Laura Candler] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The best cooperative learning and science book for the elementary and middle grades! Use cooperative learning to teach both science content and process skills. The book includes a complete overview of cooperative learning and co-op structures
Cooperative Learning & Wee Science
This is the book on cooperative learning and primary science! Have your primary students learn science by doing science! You will integrate process science with cooperative learning. Your students will classify, communicate, experiment, identify, infer, measure, make models, observe, organize data, and make predictions with these excellent cooperative learning science lessons. Lessons cover popular primary science topics such as: rainbows, magnets, senses, leaves, electricity, rain forest, seeds, sounds, fish, helicopters, rocks, temperature. Proven step-by-step cooperative lessons for primary science with reproducible blackline masters.