Sentence Writing by Laura Candler | Teachers Pay Teachers
Do your students have trouble writing complete sentences? Do they write in fragments and run-ons? Perhaps they write with complete sentences, but their sentences are short and choppy. Sentence Go Round is a simple and fun cooperative learning strategy to teach students how to write longer, more complex sentences. It starts with a short review of sentence fragments, run-on sentences, and complete sentences that includes a sentence sorting activity. Then students work with a team to expand short, basic sentences into longer, more interesting sentences. Black and white versions of the student printables are included.
Seasonal Activities Bundle by Laura Candler | Teachers Pay Teachers
The Seasonal Activities Bundle is a collection of all 7 individual Seasonal Activities packs by Laura Candler as well as an additional bonus item, Mystery Seasonal Words, which is a collection of printables for word work. These resources are best for upper elementary students. Please preview each individual item before purchasing the entire bundle.
Teaching Kids to Write Super Sentences
How do you encourage your students to write longer, more interesting sentences? You know what will happen if you simply them to write longer sentences... they'll just add more words to the end, resulting in long, rambling run-ons! After struggling with this problem myself, I developed a three-step process to help my students turn boring sentences into super sentences. I began by teaching them the difference between fragments, run-ons, and complete sentences. Then we practiced revising and expanding basic sentences to make them more interesting. After I modeled the activity and they practiced it in a whole group setting, they played a game called Sentence Go Round in their cooperative learning teams. The difference in their writing was dramatic! Before long, they were adding more detail to their sentences without creating run-ons in the process.