Your toddler is 23 months old!
Toddlers are notoriously resistant to change. If changes (like a new caregiver or even just a new sippy cup) are stressing him out, maintain stability in other parts of his life and offer support and understanding.
You may be wonderin
Your toddler is 19 months old!
At this age, it might be tempting to start letting your little one get screen time—because they want to do exactly what they see mom and dad doing. Just because you can choose between Mickey, Paw Patrol and 10,000 other toddler shows d
19-Month-Old Child: Milestones and Behaviors to Expect This Month
Whether you've got a whirling dervish or a laidback little one, your best bet is giving your 19 month old child plenty of time and space to do her thing. Learn more about child development on What To Expect.com.
Your toddler is 20 months old!
Your little rebel may be resisting feeding, changing, getting in the car seat, washing hands…and just about anything else you want them to do. Toddlers this age like to feel like they’re in control, so offer lots of opportunities for y
20-Month-Old Child: Milestones and Behaviors to Look For This Month
Life can be pretty scary sometimes, especially for little ones. To the rescue: you! Learn more about child development on What To Expect.com., your source for parenting information.
Your 20-month-old's language and cognitive development: Making sense with senten
It may be just a pair of words to you, but it's a full sentence to your toddler and a giant step forward in terms of language acquisition. "Daddy hat" is her way of saying, "There's daddy's hat." Or, "Sissy doll" indicates that she knows a particular toy belongs to her sister. He
Your toddler is 21 months old!
Playtime is even more entertaining as you start seeing your tot’s personal interests shine through in her toy and game choices. Little Sophia may like crashing toy trucks, and little Asher may dig your shiny pink heels. Kids at this ag
Your 21-month-old's language and cognitive development: Attention to detail
Not only can your toddler name most of her own body parts now; she can probably name, or at least point to, the same parts on a doll. And you draw a circle on a piece of paper, she'll try to imitate you, though she's still more skilled at drawing vertical lines. She's fascinated
Your toddler is 22 months old!
Your toddler is the center of the universe—her own. Kids this age are rarely great at taking turns and sharing, and they can seem downright rude. Keep your cool and model good behavior, so she sees what she's supposed to be doing. She’
22-Month-Old Child: Toddler Milestones and Behaviors This Month
Look out! Your little powder keg may be about to blow! Learn more about toddler tantrums and child development on What To Expect.com, your source for parenting information.
Your 23-month-old's language and cognitive development: An exploding vocabulary
Your 23-month-old can probably follow a simple two-step command such as "Come here and sit down so I can tie your shoes." Her vocabulary likely includes at least 20 words that she can say clearly (and many more that are harder to understand), and soon she'll be adding words so qu
Your toddler is 2 years old. Happy birthday!
She’s playing pretend, sorting stuff into categories, and is hip to simple abstract concepts (like “sooner” vs. “later”). She’s also getting more verbal every day, is sometimes whiny, and may be having a little separation
24-Month-Old Child: Your Toddler Is 2! Here's What to Expect
Talk about emotional! Two-year-olds are famous for their over-the-top expressions of love and pleasure as well as anger and frustration.