The Grand Theft Auto franchise has been around for nearly two decades, and the series includes over a dozen titles. Some GTA games are excellent, others...not so much. Let’s take a moment to rank every GTA game, from worst to best.
Actually the main games of GTA are: GTA 1, GTA 2 , GTA III, GTA IV and GTA V GTA Series: 1. Grand Theft Auto PC - 1997 2. Grand Theft Auto PlayStation - 1998...
The Grand Theft Auto franchise has been around for nearly two decades, and the series includes over a dozen titles. Some GTA games are excellent, others...not so much. Let’s take a moment to rank every GTA game, from worst to best.
Actually the main games of GTA are: GTA 1, GTA 2 , GTA III, GTA IV and GTA V GTA Series: 1. Grand Theft Auto PC - 1997 2. Grand Theft Auto PlayStation - 1998...