Nothing could have prepared the country for the hardship it would face during the stock market crash of 1929 and the economic collapse that shaped the 1930s. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt entered office in 1933 and implemented policies to provide work for Americans and support farmers across the country.
Nothing could have prepared the country for the hardship it would face during the stock market crash of 1929 and the economic collapse that shaped the 1930s. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt entered office in 1933 and implemented policies to provide work for Americans and support farmers across the country.
Nothing could have prepared the country for the hardship it would face during the stock market crash of 1929 and the economic collapse that shaped the 1930s. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt entered office in 1933 and implemented policies to provide work for Americans and support farmers across the country. As the U.S. entered World War II in December of 1941, industrial production shifted toward supporting the war effort. The country faced widespread rationing and short supplies as the nation held its breath.
Nothing could have prepared the country for the hardship it would face during the stock market crash of 1929 and the economic collapse that shaped the 1930s. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt entered office in 1933 and implemented policies to provide work for Americans and support farmers across the country. As the U.S. entered World War II in December of 1941, industrial production shifted toward supporting the war effort. The country faced widespread rationing and short supplies as the nation held its breath.