Cupcake Kid is a superhero who is played by Bart Simpson. When the evil Snow Queen planned to plunch Springfield in a thousand years of Bitter-Winter, Bart was given the element of Cupcakes and transformed into Cupcake Kid. He later teamed up with House Boy who is in fact his friend Milhouse. On their way to rescue Maggie Simpson, a new superhero joins them introducing herself as The Silencer and they soon find out that it is actually Maggie Simpson. Together, they stop the Snow Queen making her a superhero too.
Cupcake Kid is a superhero who is played by Bart Simpson. When the evil Snow Queen planned to plunch Springfield in a thousand years of Bitter-Winter, Bart was given the element of Cupcakes and transformed into Cupcake Kid. He later teamed up with House Boy who is in fact his friend Milhouse. On their way to rescue Maggie Simpson, a new superhero joins them introducing herself as The Silencer and they soon find out that it is actually Maggie Simpson. Together, they stop the Snow Queen making her a superhero too.