Synopsis: The story focuses on Sartaj Singh (Saif Ali Khan), a seasoned and cynical Bombay police officer, summoned by an anonymous tip one morning, a voice which promises him an opportunity to capture the powerful Ganesh Gaitonde (Nawazuddin Siddiqui), criminal overlord of the G-Company. As the stakes mount and Sartaj seeks knowledge of his prey, it becomes clear that the game the two players thought they were engaged in is in fact part of a much larger scenario, one that expands beyond their city.
A mysterious phone call from an anonymous man leads police officer Sartaj Singh on a chase around Mumbai in a dangerous cat-and-mouse game. -- (C) NETFLIX
Episode 7 of Netflix series Sacred Games sees animosity really flare, as the innocent die along with the guilty. We also lose one of the main characters!
Synopsis: The story focuses on Sartaj Singh (Saif Ali Khan), a seasoned and cynical Bombay police officer, summoned by an anonymous tip one morning, a voice which promises him an opportunity to capture the powerful Ganesh Gaitonde (Nawazuddin Siddiqui), criminal overlord of the G-Company. As the stakes mount and Sartaj seeks knowledge of his prey, it becomes clear that the game the two players thought they were engaged in is in fact part of a much larger scenario, one that expands beyond their city.
A mysterious phone call from an anonymous man leads police officer Sartaj Singh on a chase around Mumbai in a dangerous cat-and-mouse game. -- (C) NETFLIX
Episode 7 of Netflix series Sacred Games sees animosity really flare, as the innocent die along with the guilty. We also lose one of the main characters!