Big Bang Forum » The Big Bang Theory Fansite & Geek Nerd Forum, TBBT Fanseite, Serie, TV Show, Pro7
Big Bang Forum is THE geek nerd portal and The Big Bang Theory fan site of the CBS sitcom (geek nerd TV series), Sheldon: BAZINGA! Everything from science fiction DVD like Star Trek (Spock, Wil Wheaton), Battlestar Galactica (Katee Starbuck Sackhoff) to Star Wars (Jedi), from geek nerd gadgets, script screenplay download to episode guide, from comic books, games (MMORPG) to other sci-fi, fantasy Blu-ray and geek nerd stuff, like Comic-Con, FedCon / Fed Con, RingCon / Ring Con, JediCon / Jedi Con Convention. Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and MySpace included. Big Bang Forum ist DAS Geek Nerd Portal und The Big Bang Theory Fanseite der Pro7 und ORF /ORF1 Comedy TV-Serie, Sheldon: BAZINGA! Alles von Science Fiction DVDs wie Star Trek (Spock, Kirk), Battlestar Galactica, bis Star Wars (Darth Vader), von Geek Nerd Toys Tools, über Script Screenplay Downloads, bis Episodenguide, von Comics Bücher, Spiele (Computerspiele) und andere Sci-Fi, Fantasy Blu-rays und Geek Nerd Themen, wie Comic-Con, FedCon / Fed Con, RingCon / Ring Con, JediCon / Jedi Con Convention. Twitter, Facebook, YouTube und MySpace eingeschlossen.