The Bauhaus Movement
The Bauhaus Movement: The Bauhaus movement began in 1919 when Walter Gropius founded a school with a vision of bridging the gap between art and industry by combining crafts and fine arts.
Know your Design History: The Bauhaus Movement - Designer Blog
Learn how the Bauhaus movement influenced graphic design history with its emphasis on theory and practice as taught by the masters.
Bauhaus Movement, Artists and Major Works - The Art Story
Artworks and artists: The Bauhaus was the most influential modernist art school of the 20th century, one whose approach to teaching, and understanding art's relationship to society and technology, had a major impact both in Europe and the United States...
The Bauhaus Art Movement
The Bauhaus was the most influential school of art, architecture and design of the twentieth century.
Baushaus Design - Art and Technology
The State Bauhaus was founded by Walter Gropius as a school of arts in Weimar in 1919. As the Bauhaus was a combination of crafts and arts, its nature and concept was regarded as something completely new back then. Today, the historical Bauhaus is the most influential educational establishment in the fields of architecture, art and design.
Bauhaus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia's information about bauhaus.
Why was the Bauhaus Movement so Important for Modern Architecture? - ArchitectWeekly
Why was the Bauhaus Style so Important?
The Bauhaus in History - Artnet
This, more than anything else, is the question provoked by the recent "Bauhaus" show at the Museum of Modern Art, as well as the various other exhibitions and symposia that marked the 90th anniversary of the legendary art school last year.
Bauhaus: Ninety Years of Inspiration -ÂÂ" Smashing Magazine
Inspired by a vision of bringing artists and craftsmen together to start a movement in art which would change the future of the world, Water Gropius opened the doors to Bauhaus. The year was 1919 when Gropius founded Staatliches Bauhaus Weimar. Germany was bankrupt after a devastating World War I and the younger generation was eager to make positive changes. "Architects, painters, sculptors, we must all return to crafts! For there is no such thing as "professional art". There is no essential difference between the artist and the craftsman. The artist is an exalted craftsman. By the grace of Heaven and in rare moments of inspiration which transcend the will, art may unconsciously blossom from the labour of his hand, but a base in handicrafts is essential to every artist. It is there that the original source of creativity lies. Let us therefore create a new guild of craftsmen without the class-distinctions that raise an arrogant barrier between craftsmen and artists! Let us desire, conceive, and create the new building of the future together. It will combine architecture, sculpture, and painting in a single form, and will one day rise towards the heavens from the hands of a million workers as the crystalline symbol of a new and coming faith."
Nailing the Detail: Bauhaus Design Principles - Sitepoint
Bauhaus is not only one of the most important design movements in history, but an especially relevant style for Web Designers. Alex and Simone tell you why.