Kromfohrlander - Wag
The Kromfohrlander is a German breed that is very smart and easy to train. Bred to be a companion dog, he is a mellow breed, although he is still a dog and will inevitably get into trouble.
Kromfohrlander - Information, Characteristics, Facts, Names
The Kromfohrländer is a very lively, good-natured, intelligent breed with a comparatively weak hunting instinct. Origin: Germany. Life span: 12-14 years. Hypoallergenic: No.
Kromfohrlander Breed Information
The sturdy, medium-sized Kromfohrlander stands 14 to 18 inches tall at the shoulder and weighs 19 to 34 pounds.
Kromfohrlander History and Training - American Kennel Club
Kromfohrlander facts including: history, training/temperament, and breed colors and markings.
Kromfohrlander - PetGuide
A friendly and fun-loving breed, the Kromfohrlander is loyal, affectionate and can adapt to a variety of households. And, he'll sneeze to greet you!
Kromfohrlander: Germany's Newest Breed
The Kromfohrlander (Proununced Krome-fore-lahn-dair) is a very rare breed, especially in the United States.
Kromfohrlander Dog Breed Information
AKC.org offers information on dog breeds, dog ownership, dog training, health, nutrition, exercise and grooming, registering your dog, AKC competition events and affiliated clubs to help you discover more things to enjoy with your dog.
Kromfohrlander Breed Information - VetStreet
Kromfohrlanders tend to be smart, adaptable and loyal, and love to spend time with their families. Learn about health, breed history and more.
FCI Breed Standard for the Kromfohrländer
The Kromfohrländer is one of the most recent German breeds and has been recognized internationally since 1955. Ilse Schleifenbaum who first bred it, lived near Siegen in southern Nordrhein-Westphalia near the district "krom fohr" (in modern German "crooked furrow ").
Kromfohrländer - Wikipedia
The Kromfohrländer (/ˈkroʊmfərlændər/ KROHM-fər-land-ər) is a breed of dog that originated in Germany. It is used as a companion dog.