Collie - Wag
This dog breed was originally found in the Scotland Highland regions, Scottish Lowlands and areas of Northern England. Although today they are usually used as a pampered family friendly pet, these canines were originally used as herding dogs.
Collie Club of America Homepage - collieclubofamerica
The Collie was used extensively as a herding dog and hailed from the highlands of Scotland and Northern England.
Rough and Smooth Collies: What's Good and Bad About Collies
Rough and Smooth Collies: the most honest dog breed review you'll ever find about Scottish Collie temperament, personality, and behavior.
Collie: Dog Breed Selector - Animal Planet
The collie dog breed has many unique features. Check out the collie dog breed on Animal Planet's Breed Selector.
Collie Dog Breed Information - American Kennel Club
Information on dog breeds, dog ownership, dog training, health, nutrition, exercise and grooming, registering your dog, AKC competition events and affiliated clubs to help you discover more things to enjoy with your dog.
Collie Dog Breed Information - VetStreet
Collies are one of the best family dogs possible: they are devoted to the entire family, eager to please, house train easily, and need less grooming than you'd think. They're energetic outside and calm inside.
Collie Dog Breed Information, Pictures, Characteristics & Facts – Dogtime
Collie information including pictures, training, behavior, and care of Collies and dog breed mixes.
Collie - Wikipedia
The collie is a distinctive type of herding dog, including many related landraces and standardised breeds. The type originated in Scotland and Northern England.