What Does India Have to Do with India Pale Ale? -Chowhound
India pale ale (IPA) is a beefed-up version of pale ale, made using more hops and with a higher alcohol content. Created in England, the name is a result of its popularity with British troops stationed in India in the 19th century, when the subcontinent was still a British colony. However, there is some dispute about exactly how and why it was invented.
India Pale Ale (IPA) Profile (History, Ingredients) -About Food
The history of this popular ale is as interesting as the hoppy brew itself. Find out why the beer was originally created.
Top 10 IPA Beers
Discover the best India Pale Ales from around the world on GAYOT's list of the Top 10 IPAs.
How the India Pale Ale Got Its Name, History -Smithsonian
A look to the hoppy brew's past brings us to the revolution in craft beer today.
Beer 101: India Pale Ale's Origin is Rooted in Geography, History -cleveland
How did India pale ale gets its name? Despite its name, the hoppy ale really is British in origin. Beyond that, its history gets a bit murky.
Top Rates American IPAs
Beer Advocate - Top Rated Beers - American IPA
Best India Pale Ale in the World - RateBeer
India Pale Ale (IPA) styleged beer at RateBeer.
A brief history of IPA
Empire of Drinks: When ordinary beer would not survive the journey to India, a new pale ale was born.
American IPA
The American IPA is a different soul from the reincarnated IPA style. More flavorful than the withering English IPA, color can range from very pale golden to reddish amber.
India Pale Ale Homebrew Recipes
Search through hundreds of beer recipes, including mead and cider recipes on the AHA's Homebrew Recipe archive!
American Amber Ale Recipes and Beer Style
American Amber Ale, also known in the Pacific Northwest as Red Ale is a uniquely American beer that is robust, rich and enjoyable.
Brewing India Pale Ale Recipes
India Pale Ale (or IPA) is a popular staple of homebrewers, microbrewers and hopheads who enjoy brewing some of the hoppiest beers on the planet.
What is IPA beer?
With so many IPAs being brewed and showing up in restaurants, bars and liquor stores, you may be asking, what is IPA beer? Well luckily for you we have answered that question and then some.
India pale ale - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
India pale ale is a hoppy beer style within the broader category of pale ale.