Into The Dark: The 15 Best American Porters
There is little more enticing than the sweet, chocolate, roasted aroma of a freshly poured porter.
35 of the Best American Porters, Ranked
We tasted 35 of America's classic porters before ranking them from bottom to top.
Stout vs. Porter
If you find yourself sitting at a bar with time to kill, consider bringing up the age-old beer enthusiast's version of the chicken-or-the-egg debate to your drinking companions: What, exactly, is the difference between a porter and a stout?
What is a Stout? What is a Porter? What is the Difference?
Understanding the difference between a stout and a porter.
Robust Porter
This recipe is designed for the beginning brewer, and is about the same level of difficulty as the Pale Ale recipe.
Porter Home Brew beer recipes
Porter home brew beer recipes, including all grain, extract, and partial mash recipes.
American Amber Ale Recipes and Beer Style
American Amber Ale, also known in the Pacific Northwest as Red Ale is a uniquely American beer that is robust, rich and enjoyable.
Beer Styles: Making a Porter
Porter is a English beer style that has become very popular in the United States. This week we will look at the origins of Porter and how to brew Porter at home.
Porter -BYO
Brew your own porter beer.
American Porter
Inspired from the now wavering English Porter, the American Porter is the ingenuous creation from that. Thankfully with lots of innovation and originality American brewers have taken this style to a new level.
Porter -Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia
Porter is a dark style of beer developed in London from well-hopped beers made from brown malt.